
Corona Theme

Written by Admin. Posted in Themes, Web Design, WordPress

Corona caps it all off. Its unique design and flexibility make it a perfect match for a broad range of websites as you will discover, if you click through our demo presets. We used Corona in different areas like for a business, news and sports website.

And as always its incredibly easy to customize your website simply by combining different design elements and colors. Corona comes with 11 varying backgrounds, 6 color styles and 5 fonts including a beautiful optional webfont for headlines.

Plus: The Fireworks Image Source files contains beside the template layout itself a lot of beautiful social icons as vectors.

Corona is build with the Warp 5.5 theme framework which utilizes the latest web techniques and is available for Joomla 1.5, 1.6 and WordPress 3.0.

Get Corona and join the YOOtheme club today.

E-Commerce Icons

E-Commerce Icon Set 02

Social Bookmarks

Twitter Facebook flickr RSS-Feed

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10018 New York, NY
United States

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